Club Rules
The club rules provide guidance to members as to acceptable practice to enable the club to operate smoothly.
Annual Subscription
Annual subscriptions should be paid before May 1st otherwise members may not be eligible to play in certain matches.
New Bowlers
New bowlers will receive a 50% discount on the normal subscription throughout the season
Health & Safety
Members are required to act in a manner not to put themselves or others at risk. All accidents must be recorded in the accident book in the clubhouse.
Site Security
Members should ensure they are familiar with opening and lock up procedures of the club premises. If in doubt seek advice from a management committee member.
The club will not accept any liability for loss of personal property
Dress Code
Flat soled shoes must be worn when walking on the green. Members should adhere to the specified dress code when playing in matches and competitions.
Smoking and vaping are not allowed within the club boundaries.
Only registered assistance dogs may be brought onto club premises. No other dogs are permitted.
Visitors to Site
For insurance purposes, the names of all visitors to site, other than those playing in matches should be entered in the visitor’s book.
Personal Behaviour
When on the green, members should adhere to the etiquette of lawn bowls. The use of offensive language and threatening behaviour is strictly not permitted.