Guidelines August 2020 (Covid-19)
Guidelines for Roll Ups – Second Revision (18/8/20)
- All members entering the Club site do so at their own risk and commit to maintaining a minimum distance of 2m. from non-household members.
- Please note that the Changing rooms are closed. Accordingly, bowlers should arrive in the clothes they wish to wear (casual).
- Hands must be kept clean with sanitiser being used before and after play. A supply of the latter will be available (item 10 below).
- You may roll up on the green with up to five other persons, observing social distancing and strict hygiene protocol.
- There should be no handling of anyone’s else’s bowls and equipment.
- Play should take place on alternate rinks only (e.g rinks 1,3,5 or 2,4,6). Intermediate rinks may be used for singles and doubles play only when the primary rinks are fully occupied.
- Before & after play please clean the mats and Jacks with the cleaning materials provided.
- Each person should use a separate Jack and it should be positioned by foot. Only one person should position the mat.
- Play should ideally be restricted to a maximum of 6 bowlers per rink. When scoring, avoid measuring as far as possible.
- Mats, Jacks, Score cards and sanitising equipment will be stored in a box located between the south end of the Equipment/Pump shed and the side fence. A signing in book is provided where the names of all players should be recorded (for track & trace purposes)
- When the Clubhouse is open a maximum of two persons should be inside. Only one person at a time may enter the equipment shed.
- Preferentially Scoreboards, Bowls Pushers, Ditch markers, 2m distance sticks and Chalk should not be used. In exceptional circumstances pushers may be used by a single person but must be sanitised before and after use.
- Please bring any drink you may require with you and ensure that all waste materials are removed from the site on finishing.
- Spectators or visitors may attend the roll ups but must observe strict social distancing.
- The toilets should only be used in exceptional circumstances when the individual will be responsible for ensuring all surfaces are sanitised after use.
- Rinks should be booked the day before intended play by contacting Ian Badman (mob.07973706219) where 2-hour sessions between the periods 12:00 until 20:00 may be booked and a rink number (1, 2, or 3) will be allocated. The available rinks for the day will be marked accordingly. Reserved rinks will be indicated on a sheet in the window of the Clubhouse.
- On days other than Monday, members may attend after 11:00am and roll up without prior booking or may play on any day on unreserved rinks.
- General roll-up sessions take place on Friday afternoons (13:45) and Tuesday evenings (!7:45) for all members and their guests. Private booking of rinks is not available at these times.
Keep safe and enjoy your bowling