Roll Ups
The Club ‘roll up’ sessions that take place on Tuesday evenings at 17:45 and Friday afternoons at 14:00 provide an ideal opportunity for Club members to practice their skills in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. These occasions also provide the perfect forum for new or inexperienced bowlers to learn the game with the assistance of more experienced members. There is no formal dress code for these events and casual clothes are acceptable.
We welcome visitors on these occasions where they may try their hand at the game without any obligation. We are able to provide all the equipment necessary for visitors. On Friday afternoons it is common practice to socialise over a cup of tea mid-session and on Tuesday evenings members frequently relax over a drink at the Sports Club bar after the session. Roll ups provide the opportunity to meet with other members of the Club, however the number of members attending these sessions does vary dependent on the weather and other commitments.